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AGM 2019

The club will declare all committee positions vacant prior to the AGM on the 7th December. Nominations and acceptances will be confirmed for the positions during the course of the meeting. Committee position summary can be found here.

The club has been run historically in accordance with the constitution that was drafted and implemented when the club was established in Dec 2000. As the club has grown and the requirements to run the club effectively have changed, the constitution has been redrafted for approval at the AGM Dec 2019. For your reference / review you can download both iterations of the constitution.

Dec 2000 superseded constitution

Oct 2015 current constitution

Helen Kennedy - President

Fred Canis - Secretary

Natalie Victor - Communications

Wynton Brown - Treasurer

Craig Prior - Training Coordinator

Vacant - Transition Training Session / Multisport Training Session Coordinator

Kylie Mildren - Club Gear / Cycling Kit / Triathlon Kit

Helen Kennedy - Recruitment Officer

Marina Bate - Social Coordinator 

Andrew Tong - Ordinary Member

Trish Dwight - Ordinary Member

Please feel free to contact any of us in the first instance via email to northernsuburbstriclub@gmail.com